Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 10 Discussion Board 1 _Criminal Intelligence Analysis

Unit 10 Discussion Board 1 _Criminal Intelligence Analysis

Q Unit 10 Discussion 1 Future of Criminal Justice System • What do you believe will be one of the critical elements that will build our future criminal justice system? • How important will the element of procedural justice be in achieving the success of the criminal justice system?

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According to me the first element of building the future of the criminal justice system is awareness and education. The criminal justice system is in place to provide assistance to the general public. So there must be proper knowledge and awareness among the people about the various aspects of criminal justice system. There is no use of criminal justice system if it is unable to help the people and give them proper justice. The next thing is research. With changing times new amendments must be brought in and the criminal justice system must be upgraded according to the needs of the time.